If you'd like to see specific instructions for your email provider, please email us at [email protected] to let us know.
Setup forwarding to Orderling email address
You want to allow your email account to forward email to your unique Orderling email address. Please see your provider's instructions for doing this.
Forward incoming emails
You want to forward all emails that are related to orders you want to import into Orderl.ing. Create a rule that forwards all emails sent from these addresses to your unique Orderling email address [email protected] OR [email protected] OR [email protected] OR [email protected] OR [email protected] OR [email protected] OR [email protected] OR *order.homedepot.com OR [email protected] OR *receipt.lowes.com OR *confirmation.lowes.com OR *notifications.lowes.com
View emails
Once emails are forwarded to your unique Orderling email address, you will be able to view them